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While choosing the Insurance, sometimes it isn’t easy to choose the right one. Trekkers might get confused about which thing will be covered while doing the Insurance. Also, it is important to choose the best insurance agency for easier and to avoid the scam. Trekkers need to do good research and plan accordingly according to their planned visit.

Finding an insurance company is easier, but it isn’t easy to find the best one. According to our research and having our own insurance company, we are giving you tips for buying Insurance.

Read the Fine Print

Understanding the terms and conditions before doing the Insurance is vital things. Travelers should thoroughly read what it covers and what are the clauses and conditions. Before making an agreement make sure you read the fine print.

Buy in Advance

Early preparation helps you to save time and money. Travelers are requested to buy the Insurance before they start their journey. This will help to cover from the start of departure rather than searching and finding an insurance agency after arrival.

Understand the Mandatory Insurance Requirement

Before doing the Insurance, take a moment to understand why the Insurance is important during the trek. Get full knowledge about the trek and risk factors that can arise during the trek, whether the Insurance will cover the possible emergency case, medical treatment, rescue operation, evacuations, loss, trip cancelation, and other unseen circumstances or not.

Compare Policies

We can find numerous types of insurance agencies in Nepal. Every agency is different and has its own package for travelers. You can compare policies by doing research. Always try to choose one that fits according to your plan.

Declare Pre-existing Conditions

Travelers should not hide their medical conditions before the treks. They should be transparent about their health conditions and tell the insurance agency about their pre-existing conditions. Declaring such conditions helps for their safety and possible future complications that can arise.

Research Reputable Insurance Providers

There are many ways to find reputed insurance providers In Nepal. Travelers can consult with brokers to get ideas. Travelers should research which has the best record in social media, reviews, as well as websites. Also, a highly recommended trekking agency will be best for you.

Price vs. Coverage

You can consult with the expertise of the insurance company for the price and coverage. Travelers need to invest money that covers full while doing the Insurance. They should compare the price and coverage between the Insurance and choose the suitable one for you.

Determine Your Trekking Destination and Duration

Trekkers should do the proper plan before trekking. They should understand the level of trekking, whether it is moderate or high risk. Depending upon the risk factor, they should know what Insurance covers and what important things need to be covered. Getting Insurance is costly in Nepal, so it is better to plan and choose your Insurance wisely.

Keep Multiple Copies

If anything goes wrong during the trek, trekkers must show proof of Insurance. It’s better to carry the required documents with you while traveling. We recommend making several copies of documents, which makes it easier to show whenever required.


Getting Insurance is important things not only for financial protection but also for peace of mind. Choosing the right Insurance helps to cover unforeseen circumstances and makes it easier to claim whenever required. Always get the Insurance done from a trustworthy insurance company.

We also provide an insurance facility for trekkers who are searching for Insurance. Also, if you have any questions regarding the Insurance and information, you can call or mail our office. We will be glad to help you.