en English

Medical Assistance

Medical Counseling

For all the Medical information, Medical advice for the medical care for the client.

Doctor/Nurse on Board

Doctor/Nurse available during the helicopter evacuation on Board.

Ground Ambulance Service

Our medical Assistance team arrange the smooth Ambulance service without any delay of time.

Doctor House Call Service

Doctor House call visit in their territory like Hotels, Homes & Apartments.

Guarantee of Medical Expenses

Help in hospital admission and guarantee of payment.

Case Monitoring

Monitoring of the Patients Medical condition & progress

Emergency Evacuation and Hospital Transfer Service

In serious ill condition, our team will mobilize the transportation arrangement in case of emergency Evacuation and transfer to the nearest Hospital for treatment.

Referral to Medical clinics & Hospitals

If the client is seriously ill or injured and the medical assistance services team determines local medical care is unable to provide adequate treatment, we will identify the closest appropriate facility and transfer for further medical treatment.

Medical Repatriation and Evacuation

We provide international standard medical care facility in our territory and if necessary we will arrange a medical evacuation by air ambulance or commercial flight.